
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CCP In Review

The new update for Classic Cars Pro and Classic Car is in review by Apple.

Whats New?

How do I get it?
Go to the help page in the app and click the "Get New Photos" button. This will download all the photos to your device. There are currently about 92 photos. Since they will be stored on your device, you can access them anywhere! You will only have to connect to the internet when you need to download new pictures that have been added.

But whats great is that I won't have to push out a new update every time I add photos. Since you get them from the server, all you have to do is click "Get New Photos" and all the photos I add to the server will be downloaded. No updating required! (after this initial update). On the main page of my blog you'll see a new box in the upper right corner called "Server Status". Here you can find out if it is functioning properly or not for if you come across problems when trying to get new pictures.

A helpful tip, WIFI is sooooo much faster than using 3G. I did my testing over WIFI and it download all 92 pictures in under 25 seconds. This would take a lot longer over 3G. I strongly suggest getting new pictures over WIFI since it is way faster.

As always, please contact me or reply to this post if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions? Thanks!