
Monday, November 25, 2013

What's to come?

Well that will remain a surprise, but I must say that it will be REALLY cool and I'm really excited to be working on it. I think that you will really enjoy it also. However, it takes me awhile to get the ball rolling so don't expect to see it anytime soon. =/

Who knows. Maybe I'll drop small hints along the way.

Car App Updates

So as you may have seen, I released an update to Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro recently. If you haven't seen it, go check it out now. It was completely rewritten from the ground up and is designed for iOS 7. It looks and works great. You should know that the pictures in the last post titled 'Progress', looks nothing like what the app currently looks like. I decided to ditch that design.

I understand that the pictures need a lot of improvement and there needs to be a lot more pictures. I can say that I'm actively working on it. Just like the app, I am completely redoing the pictures from the ground up and starting over. It will be slow to build back up, but I'm only getting pictures from reliable sources now. So in the end, it will be better.

I also plan to make a few smaller updates when I get time to add in some cool new things that I planned to, but just didn't have the time to. Things like sharing info through social media or email. But first on my todo list is to beef up the pictures.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at or drop a comment somewhere on my blog. I'd loved to hear from you and get any feedback you have.

Thanks and enjoy.