
Monday, November 25, 2013

What's to come?

Well that will remain a surprise, but I must say that it will be REALLY cool and I'm really excited to be working on it. I think that you will really enjoy it also. However, it takes me awhile to get the ball rolling so don't expect to see it anytime soon. =/

Who knows. Maybe I'll drop small hints along the way.

Car App Updates

So as you may have seen, I released an update to Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro recently. If you haven't seen it, go check it out now. It was completely rewritten from the ground up and is designed for iOS 7. It looks and works great. You should know that the pictures in the last post titled 'Progress', looks nothing like what the app currently looks like. I decided to ditch that design.

I understand that the pictures need a lot of improvement and there needs to be a lot more pictures. I can say that I'm actively working on it. Just like the app, I am completely redoing the pictures from the ground up and starting over. It will be slow to build back up, but I'm only getting pictures from reliable sources now. So in the end, it will be better.

I also plan to make a few smaller updates when I get time to add in some cool new things that I planned to, but just didn't have the time to. Things like sharing info through social media or email. But first on my todo list is to beef up the pictures.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at or drop a comment somewhere on my blog. I'd loved to hear from you and get any feedback you have.

Thanks and enjoy.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Got the store and picture up and working. More to come later.

This looks nothing like the final design I ended up going with.

Friday, June 21, 2013

CC Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek at where Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro is headed. Just started this today so it is NOWHERE near done, but I thought I'd give you a quick look. This update will take longer than normal as I'm rewriting ever bit of code, optimizing and cleaning it up where I can. So hopefully it will run smoother, crash less, future proof it (hopefully), and just be more awesome. If you have any ideas for it, now would be a great time to let me know. Enjoy.

This looks nothing like the final design I ended up going with.

Friday, June 7, 2013

What's Happening and The Plan

Okay, so i've pushed out some updates to Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro recently. I just submitted a new one for Classic Car that has some bug fixes. But not to fear for the these two apps are next in my list for a major over haul and i'll start working on that shortly. We're talking about a completely new layout optimized for multiple screen sizes and new features that were introduced in iOS 6. I might also throw in some sort of sharing feature. And overall, there are just gonna be a lot of cool new things, just you wait and see. If there are any new features you would like to see, drop me a comment below or email me at .

In other news, I just submitted an update to BlueBox - File Transfer to the Apple App Store. This is a cool app that I work on with a company called Apperfection. The app itself is great for sending photos, videos, and contacts between iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod). If you haven't yet, go check it out. Its free to download and the new update will be out in a week or so (whenever Apple happens to approve it).

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Possibly bad news for you

So I've given it a lot of thought and I've come to the decision that I will only be supporting the latest devices running the latest software. That means that any future updates of my apps will require that you be running the latest major version of iOS (so currently iOS 6.0 or later). I've always tried to support as many people as possible, but it's time to change. It's too difficult to support older devices and it's preventing me from implementing new cool features that aren't supported on older software. And implementing cool new features is why I got into the app making business. So, to everyone using out dated devices that can't upgrade to the latest iOS version, I'm truly sorry. But I'm no longer supporting your devices and there will be no more new updates for you.

Good news for you

So if you remember, my last post back in February said I would release a Scorecard Pro update soon. Well, I finally released it and it is currently available on the Apple App Store. It has been updated for iPhone 5 and iOS 6 and also contains a lot of bug fixes.

Go check it out now.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

I've been really busy the past few weeks and haven't really had time to update my apps. I'm trying real hard to finish SC Pro and I'm almost done with it. Just a few more iPhone 5 tweaks and it should be ready to go (hopefully available to you in the coming weeks). Good news, I'm supporting the larger screen of the new iPhone 5. Bad new, I'm not officially supporting the iPad Mini. It may work, it may not work, I don't know cause I'm not gonna test it on the iPad Mini or write any special code for it.

I'd like to get to Classic Cars, but it will require more work to support the iPhone 5 than originally expected. I'll get to it eventually, but I can't say when that will be. However, I've been continually updating the available pictures thanks to people who keep sending in suggestions. So please keep suggesting car pictures, and I'll keep adding them.

Then there's InvisiMaze...