
Friday, June 21, 2013

CC Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek at where Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro is headed. Just started this today so it is NOWHERE near done, but I thought I'd give you a quick look. This update will take longer than normal as I'm rewriting ever bit of code, optimizing and cleaning it up where I can. So hopefully it will run smoother, crash less, future proof it (hopefully), and just be more awesome. If you have any ideas for it, now would be a great time to let me know. Enjoy.

This looks nothing like the final design I ended up going with.

Friday, June 7, 2013

What's Happening and The Plan

Okay, so i've pushed out some updates to Classic Car and Classic Cars Pro recently. I just submitted a new one for Classic Car that has some bug fixes. But not to fear for the these two apps are next in my list for a major over haul and i'll start working on that shortly. We're talking about a completely new layout optimized for multiple screen sizes and new features that were introduced in iOS 6. I might also throw in some sort of sharing feature. And overall, there are just gonna be a lot of cool new things, just you wait and see. If there are any new features you would like to see, drop me a comment below or email me at .

In other news, I just submitted an update to BlueBox - File Transfer to the Apple App Store. This is a cool app that I work on with a company called Apperfection. The app itself is great for sending photos, videos, and contacts between iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod). If you haven't yet, go check it out. Its free to download and the new update will be out in a week or so (whenever Apple happens to approve it).