Scorecard Pro is out. Yup, its already been approved and is available for download. So here is the complete guide to everything you need to know. If anything happens to be missing, just leave a comment or email me. I will be sure to answer any questions you may have.
Side note: The next version is coming along quite well. I've made a lot of progress for iPad support so you can expect it early March or sooner. If you come across any problems in this version, please let me know as soon as you come across the problem. That way I can get it into the next update before it comes out.
Scorecard Pro Guide:
First off, to turn off the hints, go to settings and select off. I know, I know, they can get real annoying really fast, but they can be quite helpful in the beginning.
To setup a new game, click on the "+" button. Then, enter a title for the game. The title for the game does not have to be the name of the game that you want to score for. For example, if you want to score for yahtzee, you don't have to name the game "Yahtzee". Instead I would recommend calling the game "Game 1", "My first game", or "Game with friends". But its your game, you can call it what you want. However, do NOT leave this blank. If you leave it blank, your game may NOT be saved. On the next page is where you will select the type of game that you want to score for.
The available games are:
Five Crown
A general scorecard
Phase 10
Play Nine! (Golf)
After you choose the type of game and save, it will take you to your new game. This is the game detail screen. You will not be allowed to start scoring until you have the correct number of people. If you don't have the correct number of people you will be notified.
On the game detail screen, click the edit button. After clicking the edit button, you can change the game title, the location, and add or remove people. To change the game title or location, click on the text and edit it to your liking. To remove people, click on the red icon on the left of the person, then click delete. To add a person, click on the table where it says "Add Person". Enter the name of the person. If you leave it blank, a default name will be give to the person. Last, you can change the order of the people by clicking and dragging on the bars on the right side of the screen. Click save when you are done editing the information. Now if you go back to the main screen, you will see your new game. To delete your game or any other games you don't want, click on edit. Then click on the red icon next to the game and click delete.
Some handy things to know, just incase you get a huge collection of scorecards. Check out the settings. Here you can sort your games several different ways. If you want to sort by game types, you can then choose the order that you want the games. Also in the settings, you can choose to filter by a game type. Doing so will only show the game type that you selected. You can also look at all the help tips by selecting "View Help Hints".
To get game specific help, go in to the game. Click on the options button and then click on the little "i" icon or click on the "Help" button.
FYI, this app is completely offline. All of your data, games, scores, and settings are stored on your device. This new version will save all of your games until you delete them.
Thats all I can think of for now. Again, if you have any questions, just leave a comment or email me.
(Wow that was a long post. A lot to type)
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