I must say, this suggestion system is working out very well. I'm trying to update the list regularly to keep up on all the suggestions. I'm updating the list about once a week if you were curious.
For the most part, people seem to be submitting the full screen images which is great. However, I've noticed a problem with submitting suggestions on the iPad. Since Google Images doesn't allow full screen for tablets (as of this writing) it's not submitting the right data so I have no idea which image was submitted unlike the iPhone submissions. I should have an update out to fix the iPad submissions soon. I just have to figure out how to fix it first.
Lastly as note not related to suggestions, if you have ANY problems with ANY of my apps, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. I'm happy to help in any way that I can, I'm quick to respond, and I'd like to keep my customers happy. And as always, please let me know if you have ANY Comments, Questions, or Suggestions. Email me at jjring31@gmail.com, just leave a comment any where on this blog, or look me up on Twitter at @ringapps.
UPDATE: Good news and bad news. Good news, I fixed the iPad suggestion problem. Bad news, the fix is to use Bing image search. Until Google offers a full size image view for tablets, Bing will have to work. Just remember, this is only for searching for images on the iPad. All other searches still use Google. Also, the next update will use Google Analytics to anonymously track usage data. This will simply let me know what cars people are looking at the most and help in the priority that pictures are added to the app. NO PERSONAL DATA WILL BE TRACKED!
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